In 2011, Michael Patrick Peters created and founded Dance Meditation Technique, an electric unchoreographed dance and meditation experience that has seen over 10,000 participants experience its benefits. Michael also certifies teachers in his unique modality. The ancient principles of “Wise Living” taught through Dance Meditation Technique have come from the very practices that helped transform his life, birth a profound creativity, and find meaning again after, through and within immense struggles. You can learn more at

Michael is a father, entrepreneur of 22 years building and designing gardens, unique events, apparel, branding development, innovative business concepts and is also an artist, musician and poet. His creativity ranges across the board of mediums from painting and song writing to debate and garden design. In his search for meaning, Michael has practiced and studied many spiritual paths including Tibetan Buddhism, Qi Gong, Zen Buddhism, various Yogic paths, Christianity, Judaism and more.

Michael has robust event curation experience. Before creating DMT, he managed Detroit’s longest lived monthly event, Motor City Funk Night, from 2009-2011. This experience was formative in making Dance Meditation Technique the most well attended meditation and fitness workshop in the Midwest.