Full Legal Name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Social Media Accounts (if any)
1. Do you have any experience leading groups of people in meditation, yoga or any other movement practice and if so, what. Keep in mind, no experience is required. Do you have any experience leading groups of people in anything? If so, please share.
2. Do you play any musical instruments and if so, which ones and if not, it is not required.
3. Please write me a story, any story, that is no more than 5 sentences
4. Would you call yourself a critical thinker with good discernment and if not, would you be open to becoming more like that?
5. Are you wanting to be certified to teach this or to simply learn more about it? Are there other options as to why you are taking this that I have not listed and if so, please do share.
6. Would you say that you are able to skillfully or unskillfully express your honest opinion on a matter?
7. What is the difference between a Debate and an Argument?
8. Are you comfortable with being challenged to think critically and develop your discernment which may involve being challenged on pre-existing ideas?
9. In short, do you have conceptual sensitivities (political, religious, philosophical) and if so, what?
10. Do you have dietary sensitivities? If so, what?
11. Part of the Training weekend may involve a sauna (modest clothing worn). You will never be asked to bear heat or any kind of physical pressure beyond your comfort and are encouraged to objecting to participation if you are not comfortable. Is that ok with you?
12. Are you able to commit to working to get along with the members of the weekend and to make the weekend about learning the content and technique? Everyone is coming together to learn, analyze, sweat, move and find insight and inspiration and we need you as a proactive, thoughtful presence helping us create a highly conducive atmosphere for those experiences to be had. Is there anything that would prevent you from that?
13. DMT practices mutual respect. If you are found to have been disrespectful physically with another person present, or have verbally assaulted someone present, you would be escorted out immediately without refund.
14. DMT is an advocate of conservative physical touch, meaning, we do not assume someone we do not know wants a hug and thus practice giving one another physical space. Hand shakes, a gentle bow, a friendly hello and the consideration that perhaps this person is not wanting a hug are most welcomed and appreciated at DMT experiences. Are you good with all of this? Why do you think this is important to the DanceMT experience?
15. DMT facilitators will be expected to never make claims they cannot substantiate while facilitating a DMT practice or in marketing and promoting one and you could lose your certification if you were found to be doing that. One example of an unprovable claim is “this is a practice that can make you enlightened.” Please list several other unprovable claims you could imagine being said or that you have heard other facilitators/teachers make. Lastly, why are such statements made?
16. In one sentence, what is dance?
17. In one sentence, what is meditation?
18. In one sentence, what is technique?
19. What are your honest thoughts about this application process? You are encouraged to be rude, kind, brief or in depth if you are so inspired to be.
20. Would you say you are the type of person who is able to voice disappointment, frustration and otherwise uncomfortable feelings with grace and ease?
21. What keeps people from dancing?
22. Have you ever been convincted of a felony? If so, what?
23. This practice and these trainings should be done sober and if you are under the influence of prescriptions from a doctor, you need to make sure your doctor approves of you attending this training and these experiences.
24. How do you respond to feeling insecure? For example, some people will project a sort of over confidence when they are feeling insecure in a social setting, some people will become very withdrawn, some people will resort to drug use etc. Are you aware of your coping mechanisms around fear and insecurity? Another example is that one person may, when under pressure, forget important information relevant to the situation they are in. None of these things would necessarily exclude you from the training but your understanding of how you respond to fear is immensely important in your potential success teaching this practice to others. Please take your time with this answer and be as thorough as possible.
25. Please email me a copy of your drivers license to 123imaginedo@gmail.com along with this application.
26. This section is to clarify our relationship and to make sure you are comfortable with what it is. I consider myself a technical expert and innovator in this field, not a therapist and not a spiritual teacher or healer. To me, this is a very technical, mechanical process and you are hiring me to teach you that, in the same way you might hire someone who invented a new way to frame a home to show you how to frame a house in that way. My job is to teach you how to reliably help yourself and as many people as possible feel a lot better through movement and music. There should be no expectation for me to act as a therapist or spiritual teacher and to the extent you expect that you will certainly be disappointed.
32. If you would like to speak to people I have trained in this I would be happy to connect you to them so that you can hear from them what, if any benefits working with me provided them.