Michael’s goal with DMT is to make it global and have thousands of facilitators helping millions of people re-discover how amazing they are through music and dance. You might be an important part of that.
You are encouraged to activate your critical thinking and review this document with a keen analysis and provide questions, comments and feedback if you have any.
Michael’s aim is to create the terms and conditions so that the most ideal environment possible can be created for his ability to effectively teach to the group of trainees and for the integrity of the brand and practice. This is a work in progress.
1. DMT 1.0 Training is $1,500.00 and includes:
a. A 4 day Training Weekend June 27, 28, 29, 30th
i. Location Giant Cabin on Lake Michigan EPIC******
ii. Schedule:
Thursday: enter anytime after 3pm. 7pm welcoming & DMT principle workshop via live jam together. Beach/water side weather permitting. Post workshop social & begin document study.
Friday: 10am to 4pm document study within a DMT, lunch, meditation, Q & A break, 6pm to midnight more document study, song meditation, sitting meditations. Understanding the meditation from a few angles.
Saturday: 10am - 12 workshop, 1-3pm brunch, document study Q &A , goal 3-6pm restorative yoga and rest. 7pm to midnight dinner, social, Q & A, document study, presentations.
Sunday: 10am to 12 workshop, 1-3pm brunch, document study & Q & A, rest, 7pm 10pm meditation song meditation & Q & A. Conclusion
Monday: 7am breakfast, good byes, final questions.
b. All meals and lodging included.
c. Certification to teach up to 30 people at a time.
d. Access to DMT Spotify and playlists
e. 3 months of DMT monthly membership and class access
i. Up to 36 classes
f. Basic take home materials reiterating weekend content.
g. Connection to DMT facilitator community
h. An an entire retreat weekend experience
i. Discount on future trainings or Immersion Weeks
2. Preparation and What to Bring
a. Come to EVERY DMT you can from right now to the training start date.
b. Begin assembling your favorite dance music into lists on iTunes or Spotify (or whatever you listen to music on—8 track, vinyl etc)
c. Whatever you need for comfort
d. If you have a drum or shaker, please bring it. If not, no big deal.
i. If you are a musician please let me know what instrument you play
e. Bring a yoga mat and warm blanket.
1. Please fill out the application below
2. Please read and sign the terms and conditions
3. Michael will personally review your application and follow up